
Sunday, September 3, 2017

Week Ending 09/03

Hi fellow runners!

How's everyone's training going?!

My week in training:

  • Monday:5 mi at the trail after work. First day after my staycation, had to go back to the trail! I missed it so. Got a decent night's rest, which i rarely get on Sunday nights. Long day back to work, but ready for the trail. Did the side with more gradual incline and back. 

  •  Tuesday: 4 miles through my neighborhood before work. Heard on Monday that Tues was going to be full of storms afternoon/night. Set my alarm to get up early! still dry out. A bit tired, but good. It did end up raining later on. Rained from noon though night. Glad I got up to get my run in!

  • Wednesday:5k around the neighborhood. Wednesday is my work from home day. Love being able to get my run in during my lunch break! Probably my fav part of workingfrom home. You know, besides having to dress up for work and see people. lol

  • Thursday: 5 miles at the trail after work. Did the trail opposite of Monday's. Didnt necessarily feel great, but didn't that bad either. 
  • Friday: 5k around the neighborhood. This wasn't planned. But was going to taper a bit before the weekend. Thought about getting up early, but didn't set my alarm. Got up early anyway! And the temps were great! A bit brisk for this time of year, felt great!

  •  Saturday:Long run day!  14 miles at the trail! My last "long" run for a couple weeks, next one will be #RnRPhilly on 09/17! cant wait!
  • Set my alarm to get up early. This is my on-call week for work, got up to check things out and take care of a few items. Got to the trail around 6:45. Already plenty of people there!
    In the parking lot, spoke to an older, more experienced runner that I bump into every once in a while. Talked about upcoming races that I'm training for, he's done plenty, he dropped some knowledge on me before getting out there. 
    My trail is 10.5 miles. I park in the mid point. Did the more gradual side first and back. Passed my car at 5.25, didn't re-hydrate. Did the other side, which is flatter till around midway, then has a decent incline, I prefer this side! lol, i also think this side is a bit more scenic with the creek more active along it. Did that side and back, passed my car at 10.5, didn't re-hydrate. To the orig side for 1.5 and back. Overall, today's run felt great. The weather was perfect. If only we could guarantee days like this for race day! lol
    Hydrated before getting out there, between the weather and feeling good, didnt feel the need to stop to re-hyrdate, i did fuel though at about the 1 hr mark, had about a half a gu gel, finished it at 1.5 hr mark. 
  • Sunday: 1 and done. Rest day, one for the streak! 

August goals: 
  • 100 miles (3.33+ avg). Haven't had to make this a goal in a long time, but two weeks of the month may be a bit crazy. A week vacation that includes a schedule of hiking, and a half week staycation that includes having family stay at my house for 5 days. On both accounts, I hope me being more of a morning person helps me attain this goal. 
Update: Got miles in vacation 1 without disrupting our itinerary. Got my 100 miles in by 8/22! Guests arrive 08/23. My running was also unaffected during my staycation. Apparently my guests are not morning people at all!
August was a drop off from July, but I did find mixing up my distances and locations did have me feeling a bit more fresh, which I do think is important with races coming up! ;)
  •  Long runs of 13/14 for #RnRPhilly training. Update: 13 and 15 done. 

Upcoming races:
Registered for:
  • 09/09 Flying Fish 5k, Sumerdale NJ. Did this brewery 5k last yr, was a blast! 🏃🍺
  • 09/17 - Rock N Roll Philly, last yr, my first half! Officially back in training mode. Been maintaining long runs at 10. 11, 12, 13, 15 done. One more "long" run to go.. and done. Ready for Race day!

  • 10/08 - Army Ten Miler!  (in dc) #RunArmyRunStrong. My buddy from college went on to the Army after graduation and lives outside of DC. Has been ragging on me to come down there for a run for a while. This is the 3rd largest 10 miler in the country. I doubt it's as flat as the Broad Street Run, but I'm sure it will be a good time.
  • 10/21 Runners World 5k: A festival of running?! Didn't think I wanted to sign up for the half being so close to the Army Ten Miler, but really wanted to check out the festival. Got some buddies doing the 5k, cant wait!

Can't go, but would love to (sched conflicts (you may see a theme ))

  • 09/16 Iron Pigs Bacon 5k
  • 09/23 Heavy Seas 5k
  • 10/07 Troegs Hop Dash 5k
  • 10/08 Yuengling Logger Jogger 5k

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