
Sunday, April 22, 2018

Weekly Running Update: April 22, 2018

Hi Everyone!

Hope everyone is doing well! Anyone racing or prepping for any big races? Last week I had the Newport Rode Race half marathon, review here! 

My week in training: 

Monday: 4 mi. My 4 day weekend coming to it's conclusion. :( Still in Rhode Island that morning. Knew it was going to be cold and wet. Started out a bit misty, then it started to pour! Temp wasn't an issue, had proper layers. Definitely feel bad for anyone doing the Boston Marathon today! They are true warriors!
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Tuesday:  3.11 mi. Back to work. Blah! Ha, work wasn't that bad. 5k around the neighborhood after work. Made a point to foam roll!
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Wednesday:  4 mi Work from home day! Was a bit crazy this morning, Thankful for the lunch run! Foam rolled this morning, but still tight. Check out my new shirt from Newport Rhode Race!
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Thursday: 3.11 mi after work. Rained a bit earlier, some light drizzle before I started. Ditched the glasses. Rain wasn't that bad. Still a bit chilly when there was a breeze.
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Friday: 5 mi after work. A bit breezy, but nice to see the sun. Relaxed pace, but still feeling some soreness from last week's run. Tomorrow should be fun. Will be sure to hydrate and foam roll tonight! 
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Sat: 11 mi. Long run day, yay! Carb loaded, hydrated, foam rolled, and went to bed somewhat early last night. Have some chores and plans later today. Set my alarm for my normal time. Up, coffee, light breakfast, work for a few, and out at the trail (Pennypack Creek) by 7:30. My trail is 10.5, Between my recent races and tapering, it's been a bit since I did the full trail. Was looking forward to it! Park in the middle, did the gradual side first and back, passed my car/didnt feel the need to hydrate, on to the other side. To that end, knew I had to add .5 somewhere, pulled off to a nearby business district, shhh, no trespassing. loop there, back onto the trail, back to my car. Been a bit tight this week. Hydrated and foam rolled plenty, wasnt sure if I would even maintain my relaxed pace. Able to maintain below 8:30. After today's run, did 4+ hrs yard work. Will need to rest on rest day!
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Sunday: rest day. One for the streak. Streak day 820. Some light chores to do today, but will do my best to rest! 
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I recently used the below training program. Two weekends to go and then Broad Street Run, I am redoing week 6,13,14 for Broad Street. This was week 6.
To credit the images, it was pulled Coach Jenny Hadfield's training plans
Future races registered for:
  • 05/06/18 - Broad Street Run! This is definitely a fav! My 2017 review here. 
Good luck to everyone with training! Kick some butt! 
If you do any races, please remember to review them on ! Your opinions help other runners decide what races to run!  Follow me on BibRave: Joe G

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