
Sunday, August 9, 2020

Weekly Running Report: August 9, 2020

Hi Everyone!

Hope you are all doing well!

How's you summer training going? Doing any virtual, or IRL races? How'd they go? Any other outdoor activities? 

After completing the GVRAT1000k, and then a week of hiking, I am getting back to a set schedule, which also allows a little more time for rest/recovery! Feels like I'm tapering into a marathon plan. lol.. 

Week 12 of 20 until the Valley Forge Marathon

My Week in Training: 

Monday: 6 miles. Off from work the previous week and scheduled an extra day off. :) (Usually take an extra one just in case, if available). So.. Sunday, rest day, took it easy physically, did hurt my back in a freak incident. Was out to lunch and the table umbrella started to fly away, instinctively tried to stop it. Lifted me up and pulled me back, landed on my tailbone/lower back. Hurt just a bit, (broke the chair!) but am ok. Had a few beverages since I had the next day off. Planned on sleeping in at least a little, but forgot to disable my alarm. Up, but slow to get going. Tried to go back to sleep, but nothing doing. Up, coffee, workout, had time, got a couple extra sets in. Eventually over at my trail around 8. My trail Pennypack Creek. Park at Welsh and Terwood. Am doing the more open/gradual incline side. (either side is out and back to 5.5 ish) Would usually do the more shaded side, but figured it would be easier to get the extra .5 in on this side (side trail options). Temps felt nice at first, but not for long. Pacing started out at at 8:30, but settled in at 8:45. Fading up the incline, tried to neg split on the way back, but wasn't comfortable. Felt a bit drained in the sun, faded to 9:15+.  
Full pics on Facebook
Tuesday: 1 mile. Strength training day, plus one for the streak. Usually sleep a few extra minutes on streak day, but trying to adjust my sleep sched back. Up at my normal time. A bit rough to start, but got going. Coffee, workout (getting a few extra sets in), and out the door a few min after 6. Big storm on th east coast today! Didn't sound bad yet, was hoping for refreshing temps, nope! Warm/humid/light rain. Stretched out and going to give it a go. Pacing 8:15 to start, but trying to push it a little bit. 7:45 by the 3 min mark. Tried to maintain, still a little stiff, but able to maintain just under 8. 
Wednesday: 7 miles before work. Oh 7 mi day in my neighborhood, it's been a bit. Haven't missed my hills, but back to it. Decent rest, but was groggy to start. Coffee, workout, stretch, and out the door by 6. Legs aren't completely fresh yet, but going to try. Goal was to start out at 8:30, fade to 8:45. First few miles felt decent. Faded through my worst hill midway (per usual), but was still within goal for a bit. Fatigue started to set in and faded from 8:45-9 in the last couple. Getting there, but not yet..  Shin throbbed after, and again later while doing yard work. Blah! 
Thursday: 1 mile. Strength Training day, plus one for the streak. In bed on time last night, tired! Decent night's rest! up before my alarm, but waited it out. Coffee, workout felt good and got extra sets in today, a little sore later in the day, but a good sore. Stretched and out the door by 6:15. In between wanting to push it and get back to normal. Up a short steep hill to start, faster than expected, but could feel it as it leveled out. Picked it up. Pace alerts in the 7:30's, could feel it towards the later hill and incline, faded to 7:45's, and trying not to fade much more. A little rough overall towards the end. Had some slight discomfort in my ankle/shin along the way, with a little throbbing after. Continuing to wear compression afterwards.
Friday: 5 miles. Decent night's rest, but up before 4 and had issues going back to bed. Not sure if I fell back to sleep, but waited it out until my alarm. Coffee and tired to start. Workout, stretch, and out the door by 6. Shin was a little tender yesterday, but not bad. Could feel it a bit this morning, but not bad. Going to try to go through a "normal" pace. Goal was 8:30-8:45. Felt decent to start. Pacing under 8:30 till the hills. Quads feeling fatigue, fading. Continued to try to push to get it back down, but not happening. Pace within goal, but wasn't comfortable. And shin felt it afterwards as well. May not have been comfortable, but glad I gave it a whirl. Progress to getting back to "normal".
Saturday: 10 miles! Long run day, trail day, yay! "Only" scheduled for 10 miles, yay! Was pretty excited about that! After doing extra miles every week for GVRAT100k and then coming back from hiking trip to do a 16, was pretty exited to get back to a schedule that includes cutback weeks! Friday, carb loaded, relaxed, stretched, and in bed by 9:30. Decent night's rest. Up at my alarm, coffee, stretch, and at my trail shortly after 6. Humid, but temps still in the 70's for now. My trail Pennypack Creek. Park in the middle, Welsh and Terwood Rd. Will be doing the more open/gradual incline side first.  Pacing: goal 8:45-9. Feeling decent, and trying to get back to somewhat "normal'. We'll see.. Started out feeling alright in the 8:30's, but not expecting to stay there. Faded up the incline to 8:40's. Turnaround at Rockledge Park end. Neg split slightly, but not much. Maintaining. Humid and drenched early. Fueled at 5 mi, hydrated at my car at 5.5 mi.  Still 8:40's, but knew it would tough to maintain. Off to the more wooded side to ByBerry Rd. Slight incline  along the way (not as bad as the other side), with a hill at the end. Hanging in there. Pacing 8:50 ish. Maintain on the way back, tried to neg split, did on/off, but pretty much just maintaining. Was work, but completed within goal and felt good to try to push it. Could feel my shin a bit at times, but not bad. 
Full pics on Facebook
Sunday: 1 mile. Rest day, one for the streak. Run Streak Day 1660. Saturday, did an ice bath, foam rolled, used my TENS gadget, wore compression sleeves, hydrated like heck. Offset some hydration with drinks, but still well hydrated. In bed at a decent hour. Tried sleeping in, but not really happening. Lower back hurt. Don't think it was from running or anything else from yesterday. Think it was from sleeping funny. Ugh, even sleep hurts. lol... Up, coffee and taking my time, stretch, and out the door around 9. Back feels a little better after foam rolling and stretching. Shin hurts slightly, but not bad. Going to try to do a little speed. Up a short steep hill, level out, first pace alert in the 7:30's. Picking it up from there. 7:20's remainder of the way. Worked on breathing, it's been a while! Shin hurt a bit on landings, but got through it. Faded slightly at the last hill and incline, but able to maintain under 7:30. A little rough, but done! Plan to take it easy today, focus on recovery, to be ready for tomorrow's 7 miler.
Weekly Summary:
Miles:  28 miles Scheduled, 31 miles Completed 
Strength Training: Goal 120 minutes. 171 minutes completed. 
What type of strength training do I do? Core: crunches, planks, leg raises. Weights: biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest. 
Training Plan: 
Week 12 of 20 until Valley Forge Marathon using the below plan 
marathon training plan
Image from Coach Jenny Hadfield
Race Schedule: 

10.04.2020 -  Valley Forge Marathon

Good luck to everyone with training! Kick some butt! 

If you do any races, please remember to review them on ! Your opinions help other runners decide what races to run!  Follow me on BibRave Joe G

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