Hope everyone is doing well. Training wise and personally.
Another week of training in the books!
My week in review:
Monday: 5 miles after work. Sunday was rest day. Was well rested, stretched, and hydrated yesterday. Feeling energetic in the morning. Not as much after work, but still felt good.
Tuesday: 3.11 miles. Went to bed early Monday. Didn't set my alarm to get up early, but was hoping to get a good night rest and naturally wake up before my alarm. Good night's rest and up early! Scheduled to snow after morning rush hour, got it in before work! I didn't stretch/foam roll last night, but felt OK, will make a point to tonight. Tuesday/Thu are also strength training days. Crunches, planks, curls, tricep extensions, push-ups done before heading out.
Wednesday: 4 miles. Work from home day, lunch run! I failed to foam roll again yesterday, but made a point to this morning. It was a bit colder out. Started out at a 5k race pace, with the cold air was practicing breathing, pace went a bit further than planned, decided to keep with it. Definitely a bit winded at points, but overall was my best 4 miler in a bit.
Wednesday also marked the end of the month. Feel good about the month overall. There was at least one rough long snow run in there, but got the miles in. Making more of a point to stretch and foam roll, getting it done for the most part, and think I feel a difference in recovery time. Will make a point to keep at it.Thursday: 3.11 miles. Early. I didn't get up early on purpose, and it wasn't because I was well rested. Tossed and turned for a while, couldn't sleep. Worked out and foam rolled, out the door by 6. Went through the motions, felt decent.
Friday: 4 miles after work. A bit more well rested than Thursday. Well, almost slept till my alarm which is almost like well rested. Foam rolled in the morning, hydrated very well today at work. Noticed it a was a bit cooler out. Little reminder that it's still winter. Started out a bit faster than I wanted and kept with it a bit longer than I should have, noticed I was backing off towards the end and went with it. Shouldn't be overdoing it the day before "Long" run day.
Saturday: Long run day! But its the backing off distance long run. 7 miles. As always, woke up early. Checked out work to make sure all was clear before heading out. A bit of a mistake. Worked a bit longer than planned. Was up at 5:30, didn't get to the trail (Pennypack Creek) till 8:30. A bit chilly out, but prepared. The trail is 5.25 mi, I park in the middle. Didn't want to do one side and back, then to the other for just a bit. Did the gradual incline side, at the end I headed off the trail into a nearby neighborhood for a bit. Didn't want to get lost, did about 1 mi over there. Head back to the midpoint parking lot, turn around for another .5 and back. The temps weren't an issue, but the gravel was pretty solid from the temps, not as soft as usual. One thing I didn't do right, fuel. I try to fuel around the 45-50 min mark. Realized it a few min later and skipped it. Need to do better on shorter long runs, don't want to 'forget' the fueling that my body is used to (tolerates).
Sunday: 6 miles. I usually do rest day, streak day on Sunday.. But Saturday was a shorter long run day and the Superbowl is today. Going to flip today and tomorrow's runs. Hydrated and foam rolled yesterday. Well rested, up early this morning, worked out and to the trail by 7:30. Did the opposite trail as yesterday, less gradual incline with a hill at the end. Parking lot to end and back is just over 5.25, had to add a bit in somewhere. At the end there is a business complex that has a loop, ignore the no trespassing/clients only signs, back on trail and back. Another .2 to make up near the end on a side shoot. Temps weren't an issue, done before the possible precipitation in a bit. Overall felt pretty good.
Superbowl Sunday! I know I have at least a few Pats frenemies today. Hope it's a close gm with an Eagles win. #FlyEaglesFly! Not sure of my complete #Craftbeer lineup, but there will be Nugget Nectar!

This was week 7 of half marathon training. Using the training program below.
To credit the images, it was pulled Coach Jenny Hadfield's training plans.
Future races registered for:
- 03/25/18 - Philadelphia Love Run half marathon. Love the love run! Check out my 2017 review here.
- 04/07/18 - Hot Chocolate 5k/15k!! (15k) Join me using code “BRHCPHILLY18” to score a BONUS Hot Chocolate branded cap!
- 04/14/18 - Newport Rhode Races! Half marathon. They do have 5k and full marathon options as well! Use code "BibRave" to save 10% on race entry!
https://www.hotchocolate15k.com/philadelphiaCheck out my Hot Chocolate 15k race preview post here!
Check out my race preview post here!
- 05/06/18 - Broad Street Run! Assuming I win the lottery! My 2017 review here.
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