Sunday, August 25, 2019

Weekly Running Report: August 25, 2019

Hi Everyone!

Hope you are doing well! 

How's everyone's summer training going? Any recent races or one's coming up? Which ones?

How's the weather where you are? This week started a bit warm here (heat advisory) and ended with a nice break in temps! Was certainly a nice treat!

This was week 18 of 20 marathon training for me.

My Week in Training: 

Monday: 6 miles before work. Decent night's rest, but could of used more quality. Up a few times. Calves still really tight from the other day (feeling it just getting out of bed) and a heat advisory in effect. Was not looking fwd to today's run. Coffee, workout  (core and arms/shoulders), hydrate, light stretch, and out the door by 6. Was actually comfortable this morning. Pacing 8:20's before the worst hill, 8:28 after. Maintained 8:30 for a bit. Legs got a bit heavy towards the end, could of pushed to maintain, but didn't want to over do it. Faded to just under 8:40. Would of preferred 8:30, but pleasantly surprised with today.
Tuesday: 1 mile before work. Guilty, didn't take notes, don't remember Tuesday much outside of the stats. Workout  (core and chest). Faded from 7:45- to just under 8. I do like that I'll be seeing sunrises soon, but that also means dark runs. Heat advisory in effect, but not bad at the time, still humid. 93%.
Wednesday: 5 miles before work. Heat advisory still in effect, hydrating and then some. Decent night's rest, up a couple times, but still decent. Up a few minutes before my alarm. Coffee, workout (core and arms/shoulders), and out the door by 6. Just a but humid, to say the least! Off to a decent start. 8:10's before my worst hills (expected to be a bit slower), 8:20's after. Could feel the combo of hills, inclines, and humidity adding up. Legs got slightly heavy towards the end. Slid a bit past 8:30, but decent. Side note: I always prepare for chafing on the weekly long run, reminder today that chafing can happen on shorter runs as well. Ouch!
Thursday: 1 mile before work. Decent night's rest, but groggy. Up a few minutes before my alarm. Coffee, work out (core and chest), hydrate, stretch my back out, and out the door by 6:15. Work on breathing before taking off. Most of my 1 milers, I determine effort by how the first few minutes go. Up my short steep hill, level out, pace alert in the low 7:teen's. Feeling decent and maintaining, the next few pace alerts remain consistent. Ok, looks like I'm trying to maintain under 7:30. Lost a few seconds up a hill in the second half, but able to maintain for 7:30. Felt pretty decent, exertion, but not over doing it. Short cool down after, nope, still slightly humid.
Friday: 5 miles before work. Thu, had a couple beverages while watching football. Decent night's rest, but could of used a bit more. Up before my alarm and fell back to sleep and cussed at it when it went off. lol.. Coffee, workout (core and arms/shoulders). Slow start to the workout, but got it done, about 5 min behind schedule. Routine done in time to get out the door by 6. Temps decent. Decent start. Pace alerts not working. Ugh. Not sure if it's the app or my ph, whenever the Nike app updates I have to reset pace alerts. No alerts today. No problem, not pulling over to work on it. Working on cadences today. May have gone a bit faster without the alerts. Still getting mile alerts from my watch. First mile, ahead of pace but felt good. mile 2 of today's route has the worst hills. Lost a few seconds, as expected. Maintained after. Enjoyed the temp, humid, but not as bad with today's temp. Pleasant forecast this weekend? We'll see tomorrow!
Saturday: 10 miles. Long run day, trail day, yay! Fri, hydrated extra, carb loaded, and sure to foam roll. Decent night's rest, but could of gone to bed a few minutes earlier. Up just before my alarm. Coffee, hydrate, light stretch. Out the door before 6:30. Forecast for pleasant weather this weekend (was hesitant, didn't want to get my hopes up) but seemed nice (and cool) on my over to the trail! (60's in the morning!). My trail  Pennypack Creek. Park in the middle, Welsh and Terwood Rd. Did the more inclined side to Rockledge Park first. Comfortable early. Pace 8:15 that faded along the inclines. Turn around at Rockledge, pacing 8:30. Comfortable, pushed it a bit on the way back to 8:25 on the way back. Fueling at 5 mi, hydrate at my car at 5.3, Pace 8:27 at the midway parking lot. Off to the more wooded side to ByBerry Rd, slight incline with a hill at the end. Comfortable, but losing a few seconds. Pace 8:38 at the Byberry turnaround. Pushing it on the way back, several minutes go by, not much change in pace. Determined to maintain or push a bit, but after no change thought about laying off the gas/letting it slide a few. It eventually dropped a few seconds to 8:35. The weather felt great today, great day at the trail, and run went well for the most part.
Full trail pics on Facebook
Sunday: 1 mile. Rest day, one for the streak. Run Streak day 1310. Saturday, hydrated plenty (maybe offset by a few drinks) and did an ice bath! I'm not positive that they are helping recovery going into the following week, but I think they are. Was a bit sore this morning. Wish I could of slept in a bit. Awake by 6:30, tossed and turned until 7. Slow moving this morning. Coffee, hydrate, stretch, and out the door by 8:30. Sore, but started with the routine of working on breathing/cadences. Decent start, first pace alert started with a 6. Alright, push/maintain and see how the next few alerts go. 7: teens. Decided to maintain effort. Faded past 7:30 for a min and pushed again to bring it down. Not a comfortable 7:30 mile, but done. Plan to take it easy remainder of rest day. 
Weekly Summary:
Miles: scheduled 26 miles / completed 29 miles (plan +3 streak days)
Strength Training: scheduled 80 minutes/ completed 113 minutes
What type of strength training do I do? Core: crunches, planks, leg raises. Weights: biceps, triceps, chest. 
Hydration goal (gallon) met: 7 days  
This was week 18 marathon training, using the below plan.
marathon training plan
Image from Coach Jenny Hadfield
Race Schedule: 

09.08.19 - St Luke's Via Marathon I'm officially registered! Their Facebook page has a discount at the moment if you would like to join me! 

09.15.19 - Rock n Roll Philly Half Marathon. Use codes "19RNRBRP16" to save $16 off the half/full marathon and "19RNRBRP6" to save $6 off the 5k/10k! Race Preview, here!

11.24.19 - Philadelphia Marathon. My review from last yr, here!

Good luck to everyone with training! Kick some butt! 
If you do any races, please remember to review them on ! Your opinions help other runners decide what races to run!  Follow me on BibRave Joe G

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Weekly Running Report: August 18, 2019

Hi Everyone!

Hope you are doing well! 

How's everyone's summer training going? Any recent races or one's coming up? Which ones?

You guys ready for fall? I know I am! Have had enough of this heat/humidity.

This was week 17 of 20 marathon training for me.

My Week in Training: 

Monday: 7 miles before work. This is my last 7 mile Monday for this training cycle, yay! Saturday, did an ice bath, Sunday, relaxed. Tried to get a good night's rest, but had some funky dreams, up at 3 a.m. and had issues falling back to sleep. Eventually fell back to sleep for a few. Up at 4:50. Coffee (there will be plenty today). Workout (core and arms/shoulders), light stretch, and out the door by 6. My recent hip pain wasn't that bad to start, maybe the ice baths actually help? Got into a comfortable pace. My pace alerts weren't working, ugh! Remained calm. Still getting mile alerts. First mile may have been a bit too comfortable, picked it up a bit. Worked on cadences at a comfortable pace most of the way. Legs got slightly heavy towards the end, but pretty happy for a Monday, especially for being a bit tired.
Tuesday: 1 mile before work. Ugh, I shouldn't have mentioned being tired yesterday. Foam rolled before bed. In bed at a decent time... Work call  at 1 am, worked just over an hr, and then couldn't fall back to sleep until 3. My watch says I got 6 hrs, but definitely didn't feel like quality. Up before my alarm, thought about adjusting my schedule, but would have tossed and turned and wouldn't have gained much rest. Coffee, there will be even more today. Workout (core and chest), and out the door by 6:15. "Only" 83% humid, but felt a bit stickier than that. Worked on breathing before taking off, some slight hip pain at first. First pace alert was slow. Pushed it to get to 8 and maintain. Not a comfortable 8 min mile streak day.
Wednesday: 6 miles before work. Made a point to get a good night's rest. In bed early, slept until my alarm, still could of used a bit more. A bit groggy to start. Coffee, workout (core and arms/shoulders), light stretch, and out the door by 6. Muggy! It wasn't just humid, the air was muggy and thick! Started out in the 8:20's, somewhat comfortable pace around 8:30. As the inclines added up, 8:30's before the worst hill midway. Could tell it wouldn't be worth it to push through, conceded to 8:40-45. Last couple miles, tough breathing, sinuses blocked and thick air got rough. Light rain started near the end, would of been nice early, but was too late
Thursday: 1 mile before work. Run Streak Day 1300! Non-running day (according to plan), strength training, plus one for the streak. Coffee, workout (core and chest), hydrate, light stretch and our the door by 6:15. Run streak day 1300, was hoping to get some speed in since it's "only" one, but wasn't expecting much. Felt somewhat decent before starting. Worked on cadences before takeoff. Not much hip/quad pain to start. Route starts out on a short steep hill that levels out. First pace alert, started with a 6! Pushing a bit hard, but not terribly uncomfortable, continued. Faded to low 7's. Knew I could fade and push again to fall back to 7:30, but continued pushing a bit. Down hill for .2, then back up, thought I may slide to 7:15 on the way up, levels out with a couple slight inclines, 7:06 overall. Felt pretty decent today beforehand, but wasn't expecting much considering how rough the end of yesterday was. Satisfied!
Friday: 4 miles before work. Thu, stayed up a few minutes past my bed time, almost 10 pm! (watching sports, of course). A little groggy to start, but that's what coffee and working out's for. Coffee, workout (core and arms/shoulders), definitely helped get me going! Light stretch and out the door by 6. Not much pain to start. Settled in the 8:teens for a bit, comfortable at that pace, but knew I wouldn't be for long. lol.. 8:25 after the worst of the hills and fading. Pushed a bit to maintain at 8:30, quads got a bit heavy, as well as breathing, but maintained.
Saturday: 20 miles. Long run day, trail day, yay?! I admit, I was not looking fwd to this one. lol..  Did my best to get decent rest, hydrate, stretch, yada yada all week. Was definitely still rough. Didn't check the weather, but it was humid to start. Carb loaded, hydrated, foam rolled, in bed early last night. Up a couple times overnight, but still decent rest. Slept until my alarm, which is a little rare on long run day. Coffee, hydrated, light breakfast, stretched, and at my trail by 6:30. My trail Pennypack Creek. Park in the middle, Welsh and Terwood Rd. Did the more incline and open side to  Rockledge Park first. Settled into a 9:15 pace to start. At Rockledge, did the loop around the dog park to add another hill? On the way back pacing 9:10. Felt decent, but drenched early. Fueled at 5 mi, hydrated at my car at 5.3. Off to the more wooded side, slight incline with a hill at the end at ByBerry Rd. Pace 9:20 by mile 8, can tell it's going to be a long day. Fueled at 10.3, hydrated at my car at 10.5. Pace 9:28 back to Rockledge park and back. Fueled/hydrated at 16, pacing 9:40's. At mile 16 (at my car) thought about calling it quits. I kid.. Can't do that. 2.2 on the more wooded side and back. Goal 9:34 (to achieve marathon PR 4:10), completed 9:56. I know, you should be training like 30 seconds above goal, so I shouldn't be complaining, but someday my real goal is 9:09 (4 hr). Today was rough, but hopefully summer training will payoff in the fall. If not by the Sept marathon, by the Nov one.
Sunday: 1 mile Rest day, one for the streak. Run Streak day 1303. Saturday, hydrated plenty. 2 gallons plus. Ice bath and foam roll. Still woke up to some overall soreness. Back, calves, quads, etc. Taking my my this morning. Coffee, hydrate, light stretch. Out the door by 9:30. Going to be a warm day, heat advisory later. Started working on cadences, before taking off. Short/steep hill to start. First pace alert (just after the hill) 8:30, second 7:45 after (leveling out). Maintained just under 8 remainder of the way. Felt the soreness at first, but somewhat comfortable/didn't over do it. Plan to take it easy today, try to be ready for tomorrow's 6 miler.
Weekly Summary:
Miles: scheduled 37 mi / completed 40 mi (plan +3 streak days)
Strength Training: scheduled 80 min/ completed 108 min
What type of strength training do I do? Core: crunches, planks, leg raises. Weights: biceps, triceps, chest. 
Hydration goal (gallon) met: 7 days  

This was week 17 marathon training, using the below plan.

Race Schedule 

09.08.19 - St Luke's Via Marathon I'm officially registered! Their Facebook page has a discount at the moment if you would like to join me! 

09.15.19 - Rock n Roll Philly Half Marathon. Use codes "19RNRBRP16" to save $16 off the half/full marathon and "19RNRBRP6" to save $6 off the 5k/10k! Race Preview, here!

11.24.19 - Philadelphia Marathon. My review from last yr, here!

Good luck to everyone with training! Kick some butt! 
If you do any races, please remember to review them on ! Your opinions help other runners decide what races to run!  Follow me on BibRave Joe G

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Weekly Running Report: August 11, 2019

Hi Everyone!

Hope you are doing well! 

How's everyone's summer training going? A few more weeks to Sept, bring on the fall temps!
Any recent races or one's coming up? Which ones?

This was week 16 of 20 marathon training for me.

My Week in Training: 

Monday: 7 miles before work. Saturday, did an ice bath! Shocking, but doable. Sunday, relaxed, hydrated and then some. Was sure to foam roll. Monday, going down the stairs wasn't bad. Maybe a good sign? Coffee, workout (core and arms/shoulders), hydrate, light stretch and out the door by 6. Temps/humidity not bad! Was comfortable at 8:20's, inclines, along the way, worst set of hills around midway. Faded to 8:30. Comfortable, but quads did get a bit heavy just before the end. Goal 8:34 (7mph), but I'll take it! Happy with how today went 2 days removed from a 20 miler.
Tuesday: 1 mile before work. Hydrated well Monday and foam rolled before bed. A bit more tight this morning. Slight hip pain, stairs weren't fun. Coffee, workout (core and chest), hydrate and stretch. Stretched my hip out for the most part. Started in the 7:30's and faded just under 8. A bit more humid today! Drenched during my "cool down". Actually felt better yesterday. Will be sure to stretch and hydrate. Side note: you cant really tell in the pic, but I should wear sleeveless shirts more often, I'm not tan, but upper arms are definitely a different shade. lol
Wednesday: 6 miles before work. Tues, was sure to hydrate and foam roll. Did have two beers at an impromptu dinner out(be sure to follow me on untappd). A decent night's rest. Up a few minutes early. Stairs hurt a little bit, but figured that would be ok after stretching, warming up. Workout (core and arms/shoulds) felt good, hydrate, light stretch, and out the door by 6. Slight hip pain at first, warmed up. Was in my desired pace for a couple miles, but could tell I may have some issues maintaining as I get to the worst set of hills. Inclines and humidity getting to me before midway. Alright, admitted to myself after the worst set of hills and trying to regain pace I wont be maintaining 8:30 today, will loosen up at try 8:45. Hung in there till about 5, but ended up at 9 overall for 7. Funny how Monday felt like recovery from the previous long run was good, but heavier legs after a shorter run. Will be thinking about doing more ice baths.
Thursday: 1 mile before work. Run Streak day 1293. A little sore this morning. Had to do some extra yard work yesterday, some major limbs came down from a recent storm and had to be cut up. Back and shoulders feeling it a bit. Coffee, workout (core and chest) a bit rough, but done. Light stretching and out the door by 6:20. Short steep hill to start, could feel it, but ok when my route leveled out. Gained a little speed downhill but didn't want to over do it, slowed down on the way back up and maintained to keep under 8. 96% humidity, there is not much of a cool down outside even after only 1 mile. lol...

Friday: 5 miles before work. Thu, did an ice bath after work. Did have two beers while watching football, but behaved and hydrated as well. Still got a good night's rest. Up a few minutes before my alarm, but tired. Stairs hurt a little on the way down. Coffee, workout slowly but done (core and arms/shoulders), hydrate, light stretch and out the door by 6:05. Some slight hip pain at the start, but warmed up. Was somewhat comfortable early. Inclines along the way, worst set of hills near mid way, 8:15/8:23 after. Quads getting heavier, could tell it would be a struggle to maintain there, but able to (barely) keep it to 8:30.
Saturday: 10 miles (plus 1 untimed!) Long run day, trail day, yay! Friday, hydrated and then some. Carb loaded, took an ice bath, and then relaxed. In bed around 9, up a few minutes before my alarm. Coffee, hydrate, stretch, and at my trail by 6:30. The forecast was "pleasant" and it actually was! In the 60's, and finally some tolerable humidity. My trail Pennypack Creek. Park in the middle, Welsh and Terwood Rd. Did the more incline side to Rockledge Park first. Hip started out a bit tight, but warmed up. Comfortable in the 8:30's. Tried a few times on the decline back from Rockledge to keep it right at 8:30, but nothing doing. Pace 8:37 at mid way. Fueled at 5 mi, hydrate at my car at 5.3. Off to the more wooded side, a few inclines and a hill at the end to Byberry Rd and back. Faded to 8:40's by 7. Turn around from Byberry, tried working on cadences and picking up speed to get it back to 8:45, but not doing. Quads starting to get a bit heavy, felt like I may pick up speed but the pace alerts weren't moving. lol.. Still saitisfied with today's run. Weather was so much more tolerable, enjoyed being out there. My trail is 10.5, I stopped at 10, which leaves a long cool down back to the car. Taking my time, a couple trail regulars about to pass me. One of my old training buddies that I haven't run with since last yr. They were doing another .5 past the parking lot towards Rockledge and back. Was great catching up, and I may have talked them into doing a marathon. :) But they did say they will run with me for the race, makes me nervous, they are on another level. lol.. But they insisted they would let me pace. We'll see!
Sunday: 1 mile. Rest day, one for the Run Streak. Run Streak day 1296. Saturday, did and ice bath and relaxed remainder of the day. Maybe one or two drinks. ;) Got an excellent night's rest! 10 hrs! (avg just over 7!) Was up for a few minutes but able to fall back to sleep. Crazy how I go from being a morning person during the week to catching up on Sunday's lately! Coffee, hydrate, stretch, and out the door by 10. Slight pain at first, but ahead of pace. First pace alert start with a 6, but wasn't comfortable. Didn't push it, faded to 7:45ish. Will be relaxing, hydrating, and maybe an ice bath later! Last Monday 7 miler tomorrow!
Weekly Summary:
Miles: scheduled 28 mi / completed 31 mi (plan +3 streak days)
Strength Training: scheduled 80 min/ completed 115 min
What type of strength training do I do? Core: crunches, planks, leg raises. Weights: biceps, triceps, chest. 
Hydration goal (gallon) met: 7 days  

This was week 16 marathon training, using the below plan.

Race Schedule 

09.08.19 - St Luke's Via Marathon I'm officially registered! Their Facebook page has a discount at the moment if you would like to join me! 

09.15.19 - Rock n Roll Philly Half Marathon. Use codes "19RNRBRP16" to save $16 off the half/full marathon and "19RNRBRP6" to save $6 off the 5k/10k! Race Preview, here!

11.24.19 - Philadelphia Marathon. My review from last yr, here!

Good luck to everyone with training! Kick some butt! 
If you do any races, please remember to review them on ! Your opinions help other runners decide what races to run!  Follow me on BibRave Joe G

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Weekly Running Report: August 4, 2019

Hi Everyone!

Hope everyone is doing well! 

How's summer training going? Any recent races or ones coming up? Which ones?

This was week 15 of 20 of marathon training for me. Getting close!

My Week in Training: 

Monday: 7 miles before work. Sunday 'rest day'. May have indulged in a few drinks. Hydrated early, but offset and didn't re-hydrate. In bed on time, but tired Monday. Up, coffee, workout  (core and arms/shoulders), hydrate and out the door by 6. Goal was 8:30, that didn't last long. Slight inclines, pace was in the 8:30's before the worst set of hills mid way. 8:40's after. Eventually just tried to be a bit more comfortable around 9. The lack of hydration, humidity, heavy legs was a rough combo today. I didn't check the temp before heading out, but later on the index was over 103. Maybe it wasn't just me that was burning up. lol.. Still wasn't fully prepared by not hydrating properly (or offsetting hydration)
Tuesday: 1 mile before work. Monday, made a point to hydrate plenty, foam roll, and get a good night's rest. Up just before my alarm. Coffee, workout (core and chest), hydrate, and out the door by 6:20. Started out slightly fast. Could feel my hip and quads, decided to pull back a bit. First pace alert started with a 6, gradually faded back to to just under 8.
Wednesday: 6 miles before work. Tuesday, hydrated (and then some), took an Epsom salt bath, foam rolled, and got a somewhat decent night sleep (groggy for a bit!). Coffee, workout (core and arms/shoulders), hydrate. Out the door by 6. Could feel my hip/quads as I started, but not as bad. Got into a comfortable pace in the 8:30's. Would of preferred 8:20's, but better than Monday. lol. 8:38 before my worst set of hills, 8:40's after. Maintained rest of the way. Feeling the hills and humidity, but quads not as heavy as Monday. Progress.
Wednesday was month end. 
July: 162 miles
Year: 1,050 miles
Runsteak: 1285
100 mi month: 52 straight months
Strava run hill challenge: 7549 ft ascent
Misc: 26 miles hiked (ascent?)
Thursday: 1 mile before work. Wed, hydrated plenty. Had evening plans after work. Dinner, 2 drinks and a show. Cirque du Soleil - Amaluna! Out slightly past my bed time. Foam rolled and hydrated a bit more before bed. In bed around 11 (usual goal around 9) Tired, but coffee, workout (core and chest), light stretching and out the door by 6:20. Slight pain at first but settled in. Faded from 7:30-8. During my "cool down", out on my stoop, just a bit sweaty, 96% humidity! lol...
Friday: 4 miles before work. Thu, hydrated like heck. Did an Epsom salt bath. Was "talked into" going to happy hr. 2 drinks. Tempted to have more, but remembered last Sun/Mon. Foam rolled, hydrated some more. In bed by 9:30. Excellent night's rest, except for my watch waking me up to let me know it was going into save energy mode! Up just before my alarm. Coffee, work out (core and arms/shoulders), hydrate, light stretch and out the door around 6:05. A few min delay by morning routine, needed another break before stepping out. Hip pain wasn't that noticeable before heading out. Temps manageable. May be an ok day. Comfortable, started a bit fast and then settled in. 8:10 before my worst hill, 8:20 after. Maintaining rest of the way, may have cussed at the last set of hills before the end. But happy with how today went. Oh, and still humid. lol..
Saturday: 20 miles. Long run day, trail day, yay!? A little nervous about this one. Not my first 20 miler, but first 20 miler during summer. Hydrated like heck yesterday. Carb loaded after work. Relaxed and in bed early. Up pretty early today. Alarm set to 4:50, was up closer to 4. Tried to go back to sleep, but not happening. Up! Coffee, light breakfast, hydrate, light stretching. Daylight starts peaking out around 5:30. At my trail before 6. My trail Pennypack Creek.  Park in the middle, Welsh and Terwood Rd. Did the more incline side to Rockledge Park and back first. A bit tight to start. Didn't think that was a good sign. Humid, drenched by 2 mi. Fueled at 5 mi, hydrated at my car at 5.3. Pace 9:18. Off to the more wooded side to Byberry Rd and back. Pacing: goal to maintain 9:20-9:34, faded to 9:22ish for a bit. Picked it up a couple times but didn't want to over do it early. Fueled at 10.5, hydrated at my car. Back to Rockledge Park and back. Pacing picked up! Miles 10-15 probably felt the best. Pacing 9-9:10. Could feel the slow down before 16. Sun starting to beat down a bit, steam coming off the creak. (Path to Rockledge is more open to the Sun and creek). Fueled and hydrated at 16. Back to the more wooded side for 2 and back. 16-18 slow down for sure, 18-20 a bit more rough. Countdown and talking to myself for sure! This may have ended a bit rough, but my last 18 miler was worst (that day was 100 degrees). Temps not bad early, just humid. 
Sunday: 1 mile. Rest day, one for the run streak. Run Streak day 1289. Yesterday, hydrated like heck. Usual goal min 1 gallon, did 2! Also did an ice bath! Hesitant, but hoping it helps recovery since Mondays have been a bit rough after a long run lately. We'll see! Sunday, slept in a bit and took my time. Coffee, routine, hydrate, foam roll, light stretch. Some overall soreness from yesterday. Hip ok at the moment, but sore everywhere. Started a bit fast. Feeling my quads, didn't want to over do it. Pulled back. With the later start time, felt the sun most of the way. Legs got a bit heavy towards the end. Pace, first alert started with a 6, faded to just under 8. Did a few minutes of yard work after. Weeding in the sun, blah!. Will be sure to hydrate and foam roll. Checking tomorrow's schedule, not looking fwd to a 7 miler after doing 20 yesterday. lol.. Will try to behave on Sunday Funday and get a good night's rest.  
Weekly Summary:
Miles: scheduled 37 mi / completed 40 mi (plan +3 streak days)
Strength Training: scheduled 80 min/ completed 108 min
What type of strength training do I do? Core: crunches, planks, leg raises. Weights: biceps, triceps, chest. 
Hydration goal (gallon) met: 7 days  

This was week 15 marathon training, using the below plan.

Race Schedule 

09.08.19 - St Luke's Via Marathon I'm officially registered! Their Facebook page has a discount at the moment if you would like to join me! 

09.15.19 - Rock n Roll Philly Half Marathon. Use codes "19RNRBRP16" to save $16 off the half/full marathon and "19RNRBRP6" to save $6 off the 5k/10k! Race Preview, here!

11.24.19 - Philadelphia Marathon. My review from last yr, here!

Good luck to everyone with training! Kick some butt! 
If you do any races, please remember to review them on ! Your opinions help other runners decide what races to run!  Follow me on BibRave Joe G

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Announcement: Philadelphia Marathon Weekend Ambassadorship

Hi Everyone! Happy Monday! I am honored and excited to be a part of Philadelphia Marathon Weekend as an ambassador! I'm a huge fan of al...