Hope everyone is doing well!
How's training going for you? Any recent races or training for one? Which one(s)?
Ready to chase those New year's resolutions?! We've got this!
This was week 4 of 20 of marathon training for the NJ Marathon for me. Join me! (discount at bottom on post) :)
My Week in Training:
Monday: 5 miles before work. In bed at a decent time, but tired to start. Up before my alarm and questioning things. lol.. Slowly moving, but up. Coffee, workout (core and arms/shoulders). As I was grabbing my coffee, noticed it's raining. Oh fun. Ended up not being that bad though. It was "warm" out. High 40's and humid. Misty/light rain throughout. Helped wake me up! Pacing 8-8:20 until my fav hill. Maintained at 8:30 after, and added my extreme hill at the end for fun. Wasn't looking fwd to today's run beforehand, but felt good and pretty happy with it. And I'll take today's temp/rain, invigorating! It could easily be much worse as we get into winter.
Tuesday: 1 mile before work. Planned on going to bed early, but didn't really. Darn second winds before bed time! A little tired, but not bad. Coffee and workout (core and chest). Out the door by 6:30. Breathing has gotten much better since last week. Last week I had residual congestion in my chest from a cold the week prior and couldn't take deep breaths without coughing. Decided to try to push it today. Goal 7:15. Started out on target but faded to 7:30. Breathing was better, but legs weren't feeling that fresh. Still progress since being sick.
Wednesday: 7 miles. Tues was NYE. Stayed up later than usual. Didn't make it to midnight, but close. Day off from work, slept in. Up around 8 and taking my time. Coffee and workout (core and arms shoulders). Out the door before 10. 7 miles.. wasn't looking fwd to it, neighborhood hills add up. (Trail is closed today, would normally go there on a day off from work, but didn't want to get in trouble with the rangers on their day off). Started out ahead of pace and settled in after a .5 or so. Working on breathing, maintaining pace. 8:15 before the worst hill midway. 8:20 after. Maintaining better than expected, the hills usually take their toll and occasionally fade to 8:45 on neighborhood 7 milers.. added my extreme hill for fun anyway, and was tempted to do it again, that's just silly. 500+ ft ascent. I also got chased a few yards by a German Shepherd. It was in front of it's house and chased me a bit, nervous at first, but it was friendly and playful. Slowed down and got it to stay, owner eventually came to get it. Leash your dogs people. Friendly or not.
Thu: 1 mile before work. Wednesday afternoon/evening felt like a Sunday! Back to work Thu, in bed early. Decent night's rest and up before my alarm. Coffee, workout (core and chest), stretch, and out the door by 6:30. Felt somewhat limber, was going to retry going for 7:15 again. Up a short steep hill to start, pacing 7:30. Route levels, then goes down for a bit, picked up steam. but what goes down, must come back up, faded slightly on the uphill and then another incline. But finished on target. Shin hurt a bit after though.
Friday: 5 miles before work. Thu, went to bed at a reasonable hour but tossed and turned for an hr. Up a few minutes before my alarm. Coffee and workout (core and arms/shoulders), and out the door by 6. Forecast for rain thu night to sat morning. Didn't hear it, but when I opened the door, it was. 43/mist/and humid. Started with my hat and gloves, but they didn't last long. Settled in and warmed up. Pacing 8:10-8:18 ish as the inclines added up towards my fav hill. 8:25 after. Maintained there for a while, but legs got heavier with a few more inclines and extreme hill near the end.
Saturday: 7 miles. "Long" run day, trail day, yay! "Only" scheduled for 7 and sticking to it! Fri: hydrated well, carb loaded, relaxed, foam rolled, and in bed by 9:30. Up a couple times overnight and again before my alarm. Coffee, and taking my time to get there by 7. Forecast was for 48 and rain, a break a little later, but was prepared to get wet (lucked out, no rain). Daylight is usually right around 7, but was a bit late due to dense fog. At my trail by 7, ready to run a few minutes in the woods in the dark. Probably shouldn't have watched a hiking movie recently where the couple was tracked and attacked by a bear. lol.. But I digress..My trail Pennypack Creek. Park in the middle, Welsh and Terwood Rd. Either side is 2.75 and back. Would have to make up about 1.5 in addition to one side. TMI time: Chose the more wooded side to Byberry Rd. Felt I may need the restroom at some point, this side has 3 portable restrooms (ended up being a non issue). Pacing settled in right away 8:25-8:30. Barely anyone on the trail yet, heard some rustling in the woods, but no bears. lol... eventually passed a few ppl that had lights, but could barely see them. Removed my fogged up glasses, could see a bit more clearly. :) Pacing faded a bit towards Byberry, incline and hill. Had to make up 1.5, as I got to ByBerry Rd, head into the business district next door (shhh.. No Trespassing). (large complex, could easily do a 5k in there with barely any repeat of route) A couple inclines in there, but not bad, maintained 8:34. Back to the trail with 2.5 to go. Decline to start, worked on cadences and breathing, eventually got it to 8:29, but faded back just before the end.
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Full pics on FB |
Plan on taking it easy remainder of the day, maybe try out this TENS unit I got as a gift.
Weekly Summary:
Miles: 24 miles scheduled / 27 completed miles
Strength Training: Minimum 80 minutes, 121 minutes completed. (same number as last week? not a copy/paste, that was time in! coincidence on time.)
What type of strength training do I do? Core: crunches, planks, leg raises. Weights: biceps, triceps, chest.
Training Plan:
This was week 4 marathon training for NJ Marathon, using the below plan.
Image from Coach Jenny Hadfield |
Race Schedule:
03.29.2020 - Philadelphia Love Run half marathon
04.26.2020 - NJ Marathon, I have registered for the full. They also have 5k, Half Marathon, and Marathon Relay options. Use code 20NJMBibRave to save $5 off registration!
10.11.2020 - Chicago Marathon
11.22.2020 - Philly Marathon
Good luck to everyone with training! Kick some butt!
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