Hi Everyone!
Hope you are all doing well!
How's training going? Any races (IRL or virtual)? How's the weather treating you?
Hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday! Any running (or other outdoor adventure) gifts?
This week started with some snow challenges, followed by a heat wave, back to single digits (wind chill)!
Reminder, if you're just skimming my blog, lol.. reminder that I also have gear and race discount tabs/pages to check out as well. :) #BibRavePro
My Week in Training:
Monday: 11 miles. Week off from work, yay! Orig plan was to go to the trail as much as possible, but rethinking that.. Sunday, a few SundayFunday beverages, but was sure to hydrate along the way. Decent rest. Coffee, full workout in, and over to my trail by 9:30. Snow last Thu, saw the trail Saturday, had some compacted snow tire lanes, was hoping for more. Temps slowly rising early this week, with small heat wave later in the week. Wasn't expecting much of a change from Saturday to today. A few more tire tracks, but not as much as I was expecting. usually see ranger do a pass while I'm out there. Figured they'd make several passes a day, doesn't appear to be the case. Doing the more open wooded side to ByBerry Rd first. Pacing: snow run, cautious/comfy pace, hanging around 8:45. Tire tracks are still compact enough to work with. narrow tracks, hitting soft snow when missing the tire lane. hydrated at my car at 5.5 mi. Off to the more gradual incline side to Rockledge Park. Tire tracks starting to soften from the melt in the more open/sunny areas, but still able to work with for the most part. A good leg workout from the extra push, but done. Briefly thought about doing more mi, but couldn't do a side trail (not maintained), couldn't do the nearby street I occasionally add mi because of the yak trax, would have to do another section twice. But also thinking about doing double digits again this week. Stuck with my orig plan of 10-11.
Tuesday: 7 miles. This was not a "fun" run day. lol.. Decent rest, full workout in. Over to my trail by 9. My trail
Pennypack Creek. Park in the middle, Welsh and Terwood Rd. Doing the more open, gradual incline side to Rockledge Park first. Recent sun, and above freezing temps. The compacted snow lanes... no longer hard. :( Pretty much every step sinking in to soft/wet snow, no traction. Pace faded from 8:45-9 pretty quickly. Every once in a while would find a few open spots, but that was very rare. hydrated at my car at 5.5 mi. Off to the more wooded side to ByBerry Rd. Hoping for better footing, but that was not the case. Changed my mind from 10-11 miles to 7. Just wasn't enjoying the battle of every step sinking in, figured 7 is better than nothing, especially since Tues should be a "rest" day, lol... Also decided not to go back to the trails till the weekend, should be clear by then! :)
Wednesday: 7 miles. Stayed up slightly late Tues. (11pm) Sleeping in today. Up, taking my time. Didn't feeling like working out, but got going. Much more motivated after starting. 45 min strength training, done. Foam roll my back, stretch my legs a little, eventually out the door. Taking a break from the slushy trail. Keeping it hood for a few days. Temps really going up tomorrow, hope the trail is clear sat! Pace started out better than expected, but manageable. Inclines adding up a bit, pace 7:50.ish before my hill. Part of my normal hood route is a loop around my hood on a sidewalk of a busy rd. Been a week, hoping the sidewalks clear. Clear for the most part, but trash cans placed in the way for a good amount. Worst part of my hill, passed a nun walking to their school, was sure not to cuss at my hill. Lol.. End of the sidewalk portion not shoveled at all. A few feet of snow/ice, jumped into their grass. Pace just below 8 as the hill levels. Maintaining remainder of the way. Legs felt heavy at times (mostly from the recent snow runs), but better than expected. Passed the trash trucks on almost every street, they waved every time.

Thursday: 7 miles. (xmas Eve) Plans in a bit, but trying to sleep in this week. Maybe 6:30. lol.. Coffee, got a good workout in, and out the door by 8:30. 50 degrees out, yay! Short sleeves! Had my hat/gloves ready, but was comfortable without them before starting. Pacing a little slower today than yesterday. maybe the added miles this week, snow, or yesterday's hills? lol.. But hanging in there. 7:50's for a bit. Inclines before my midway hill. 8:08 as it levels out. Not bringing it back down after. Hanging in there. Enjoying the weather. Incline and hill in mi 5. with a couple more inclines at the end. Happy at 8:15 pace.

Friday: 3.11 miles. (Christmas morning). Thu, spent the afternoon visiting (social distanced the best we could), snacking, and drinking. Home before 8, able to catch 'A Christmas Story'. (an overrated movie IMO, lol..). but tradition. In bed shortly after 10. Not a good night's rest. Storms throughout the night with high wind gusts. Storm woke me up around 2:30, eventually back to sleep, but up from a crazy dream at 3:30. Storm had me dreaming I was running from a mudslide and tsunami! back to bed for a bit. Didn't set my alarm, but wanted to be done by 8. Up in time. Tired! Coffee, no workout today, taking a break there, stretch, and out the door. Wanted to get some speed in, but that was tough for me today. 7:30 pace was a struggle, hanging around 7:45 to end. Done in time to do presents at 8. Sidenote: wish I got a better holiday decor pic. Plenty along the way, but wasn't pausing. Great decor nearby but deflated late night and hasn't been re-inflated yet.

Saturday: 14 miles. Friday, was a long day, social distance visiting with he in-laws. A couple beverages, but behaved. home in time to settle in before normal bed time. Set my alarm a few min later to get started after daylight. Up before my alarm. Coffee, taking my time. Cooler temps out, (wind chill teens to single digits). Wearing tights,good base layer shirt, hat and gloves. had a pullover ready just in case. Over at my trail shortly after 7. My trail Pennypack Creek. park in the middle, Welsh and Terwood Rd. Doing the more wooded side to Byberry Rd first. Temp was cool, but was good once I started. Pacing 8:30's to start. Legs a little heavy, and tight from pants, etc, but hanging in there, for now. As i was driving to the trail, saw a cool sunrise, but didn't see any once I started. Got a decent skyline pic by the barn across from the ByBerry Rd parking lot. The creek was active from the snow melt, but didn't pause for pics. Hydrated at my car at 5.5 mi. Off to slight gradual incline side to Rockledge Park. Pacing 8:35. Gradually fading up the incline. A little tight this morning, fading to a more comfortable pace. A few patches of black ice where there is a slant from side to side, but manageable. Paused for pics of icicles approaching Rockledge park on the return. Returning from Rockledge, took the side trail from Lorimar Park to Pennypack Park, turned around at the second intersection, and returned to the main trail. Steep hill to get back on the main trail. Pretty much no longer caring about pace rest of the way. lol... ran in a few min circles just before the parking lot to end at 14 mi. Trail was pretty solid today from the temps. Air was refreshing, chilly, but manageable. May not have gotten the paces I wanted, but still more fun that Tuesday's run in the slush!
Sunday: 1 mi for the streak (eun streak day 1800!) and to cap the week at 50 mi. Saturday, sore most of the day. Was sure to hydrate, foam roll, stretch, and starting to try out a massage gun (barely tested it, needs to charge today). Slept in today, almost 10 hrs rest! (my avg is 7.5!) Up around my normal time but was able to fall back to sleep for a bit. Up around 8:30. Coffee, foam roll my back, stretch, and out the door after 9. Surprisingly not as sore as I expected. Tried to psych myself up. Work on breathing, and off I go! Felt pretty decent. First pace alert was 6:05! Not realistic for me, but woah! Breathing a bit rough to start, but focused on it and foot strike. Gradually fading to just under 7. All one minute pace alerts under 7. :) Much better than I expected for how I felt later yesterday.
Weekly Summary:
Miles: 50.2 miles running completed
Strength Training: Goal 150 minutes, 192 minutes completed. What type of strength training do I do? Core: crunches, planks, leg raises. Weights: biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest.
Hydration Goal: 7 days
Foam Roll: 7 days
Miscellaneous Cardio: nada
Training Plan: Not on a plan at the moment, but use the below:
Race Schedule: (and year end goal)
Calendar is clear 'till next year! But.. I did set a new goal for year end! Over the summer, during #GVRAT1000k, I saw that I was on pace for my first 2000mi year. But as #GVRAT1000k ended, I started to take (and needed) rest days. Followed my marathon training plan to a T. Between cutting back after #GVRAT100k and then a taper, fell behind a bit for 2k. After my marathon, saw that if I had a decent Oct, I could get back on target. Tried not to force the issue (too much) and now I'm back on track!
UPDATE!!! Passed 2000 miles. Didn't celebrate. Wasn't going to push it, but 2100 may be doable. (previous high 1750). 2095 as of 12/27/2020
Do you have any more races this year? Or year end goals?
Be sure to check out my Race and Gear discount pages from my blog site. #BibRavePro ;)
Good luck to everyone with training! Kick some butt!
If you do any races(virtual or IRL), please remember to review them on BibRave.com!
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