Hi Everyone!
Hope you are all doing well!
How's training going? Any races (IRL or virtual)? Ready to crush 2021?!
Reminder, if you're just skimming my blog, lol.. reminder that I also have gear and race discount tabs/pages to check out as well. :) #BibRavePro
My Week in Training:
Monday: 7 miles. Sat, slept so well into Sunday. Well, that was not the case Sun to Mon. :( Focused on recovery. Hydrate, foam roll, stretch, massage gun, etc, and in bed on time. But up around 2, and tossed/turned until time to get up. Just a bit tired to start. Coffee, short workout (arms/core), and out the door by 6. As tired as I was earlier, feeling pretty decent. Nice and brisk, legs feel good, ready to go. Pacing felt fine most of the way. 7:50's till the hills, 8's after. Tried to keep it at 8, but faded in the last hill and incline. Didn't have any extra push after that. But felt pretty good overall.
Tuesday: 3.11 miles. Mon, hydrate, foam roll, stretch, massage gun, etc and in bed on time. Fell asleep right away, but up around 3 and had issues falling back to sleep. Coffee, short workout (chest, core), and out the door shortly after 6. Hit my updated yearly mileage goal yesterday and want to start the weekend strong, thinking about taking it easy for a few days (till next yr, hardy-har-har)... We'll see... Weather was nice. Didn't bother w/ hat/gloves. Kinda regretted no gloves later, but no biggie. Pacing was comfortable 8. Felt pretty good.
Wednesday: 6 miles. Tues, hydrate, foam roll, stretch, massage gun, etc and in bed on time. Decent rest, but up again at 3, tossed and turn, might have gotten a little more rest, and up just before my alarm. Not as tired as expected. Coffee, workout (arms/core(did chest later)), and ready to go. Thought to myself, feeling pretty decent surprisingly. A bit of a jinx. lol.. Goal to do a comfy day, since I don't plan on cutting back Thu. Started out at a comfy pace. 8ish. moving right along. Shin started getting a bit stiff at points. not a bad pain, but noticeable. Pacing 8:15 ish after my fav hill. Planned on maintaining there, but feeling it, going to go with the flow. fading slightly with additional incline and hill in the beginning of the final mile. Felt like I was fading a bit more. 8:20, but felt like slowe. Didn't push it, but not sure if I could too much. lol..
Thursday: 5 miles. Wed, hydrate, foam roll, stretch. In bed on time, but tossed/turned early. Up at 3 something and then not ready for the alarm. Coffee, workout (arms/core). Cut a few min short by other routine. Got a few extra sets in later in the day. Stretch and out the door after 6. Doing 5 today. Yesterday, decided to change my marathon plan next week. Which changes wed to non running day and thu a running day. This week a little messed up anyway. Was planning on taking it easy till the new year. (Friday). Day before long run day is usually 4-5 miles, so chose 5. lol.. Going with a comfy pace, and felt good. Light rain, no glasses. Not bad enough to need old shoes. Didnt need gloves. Ditched my hat early. Warmed up pretty quickly. Felt like 47 and humid! probably could have worn short sleeves and hat instead! Pace felt good. 7:50's before my fav hill, 8:05 ish after. Comfy, didnt have much to bring it down after the hill, went along for the ride. Fading slightly in the last incline to hill in the last mi. Yesterday my left shin was noticeable, was fine today. Post run, right shin throbbing slightly. Interesting as I have decided to try a harder marathon plan soon, will have to keep an eye in it. Fun stuff! lol..
Thursday was also year end. Year end stats towards the bottom of post. ;)
Friday: 16 miles. New Year's Day! Did I partake in beverages last night, yes! Focus on recovery before hand, but did not keep up with hydration later. Planned on getting rest, but forgot to disable my work alarm. 'doh! And then work called at 6:30. i'm on call and 3rd shift wanted to give me a heads up. Tried to go back to bed, nothing doing. Coffee, routine, foam roll my back, and stretch. Eventually over to my trail. No concrete goal for today, but wanted to go up to 16 if possible. My trail Pennypack Creek. Park in the middle, Welsh and Terwood Rd. As i was getting ready to start, my friend Adam (3:05 marathoner) was passing the lot. They already got 5.5 in and going pass to the the Rockledge side. Adam may pull back a bit, but his comfortable pace is my fast pace. lol.. I shouldn't join him on long long run days, but it is good company and definitely helps at times. I lead to start.. faster than planned, 7:45. Comfortable, but barely my conversational pace. lol.. huffing and puffing to talk. Rolling along. If I'm doing 16, going to add two sections to reduce duplication of route. At the Rockledge Park end (2.7 mi), off to nearby neighborhood. Up a steep hill (trail has small inclines, but this is a monster hill). down their main street (huntingdon pike). I usually turn around at a major intersection, but Adam knows the area, turn at the intersection and follow, it's a circle! learned something new, brought us right back to the trail! lol.. (we added about 2.5 in the neighborhood).. pace still sub 8, manageable. Don't think I'll continue this, but hanging. On the way back from Rockledge, I'm adding another section. This is where Adam and I part ways. He''s already done a few extra with me than he planned. From Lorimer Park, side trail to Pennypack Park. Pace pulling back a bit. Pennypack park turnaround and back. Main trail. (added about 2.8 on the side trail) Passing my car around 10 mi. Fueling and Hydrating! One thing about adding side sections, I don't pass my car as often. If sticking to the main trail, pass my car every 5.5, but not the case with additional sections. off to the more wooded side to ByBerry Rd and back. Hit 16 before the parking lot. One thing to note.. gps issues! Phone was providing my pace alerts with no issues. Well.. my watch. Apparently when I rushed to join Adam, I started without a signal. Never looked at my watch till Adam and I parted ways, didn't capture an entire section (3.5 mi). Am pretty sure it fixed itself going forward when I checked it, but missing data before it. 'doh! Besides being frustrated with technology, run felt good. 6-7 mi faster than planned and pulled back to a more comfortable pace to finish.
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Saturday: 11 miles. Day after 16? Well, with a three day weekend and wanting to start the year strong, was going to get a second trail day in. Trying for 10-11, but no pressure. Fri, stayed up slightly later than normal, but not too late. Disabled my alarm since it's a free run day, no pressure. May actually sleep in? Not really sleeping in, but not sticking to a 7 am start time. Up before 7. coffee, routine, foam roll my back, stretch, and over to my trail after 8. My trail Pennypack Creek. Park in the middle, Welsh and Terwood Rd. Doing the more gradual incline side to Rockledge and back. first. Was sure to acquire a GPS signal before starting. lol.. Pace started out better than expected and felt good. 7:45 ish. Faded slightly up the incline, but before the turnaround still sub 8. Enjoying the run. Weather was great. 40's to start and almost 50 when I left. On the return, definitely starting to see more people. Focus on breathing, foot strike, etc, but pulling up my neck gaiter as I approached/passed people, definitely affected things a bit. Passed my car at 5.5 mi, skipped hydrating. Off to the more wooded side to ByBerry Rd. Fueled slightly late for me, around 8 mi. at the ByBerry turnaround. pace fading a bit, but still happy. pace was sub 8 for a while, but lost it. Fading to 8:10 ish. A lot more people on this side as well. And the sun was in my eyes on the return. when I wore my gaiter, glasses fogged and with the sun, couldnt see a thing, Had to remove my glasses when passing people before the end. Relaxing on my cool down, avoiding my car as vulchers were waiting for my parking spot! lol.. There are three lots, but this is the more popular one. Probably since it's midway, that's why I prefer it. lol..
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Weekly Summary:
Miles: 51.3 miles running completed
Year to date: 30.1
Strength Training: Goal 150 minutes, 195 minutes completed. What type of strength training do I do? Core: crunches, planks, leg raises. Weights: biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest.
Hydration Goal: 7 days
Foam Roll: 7 days
Miscellaneous Cardio: nada
Training Plan: Signed up for a marathon recently. Since I am ahead of plan at the moment, idea was to take it easy a couple days and then start the year strong. Will start following the below plan next week.
2020 Year End:
Thursday was Year End. 2020 was a tough year for many. Don't want to brag about my year too much. Getting though the year was more than enough. Congrats! If you were able to crush goals as well, good for you, congrats!
My stats are below if interested.
Total miles: 2116 (previous high 1750)
Elevation gain: 98k feet, previous high of 84k. Saw I was on pace for 95 ish, didn't think I could get that close to 100k before year end. Definitely keeping an eye on it next yr!
Medals: only four medals. :( But proud of them all. 26.2 x2 (one virtual/self supported, one IRL (PR)), 10mi (virtual (prepaid for the race before covid was a thing. Race went virtual, no refund option, PR), and Great Virtual Race across Tennessee (635 miles in four months, done in 83 days)
PR's: 26.2 (IRL), my only IRL race of the year. Valley Forge Marathon
Unofficial PR's: 1mi, 5k, 7 mi, 10mi, 11 mi, 13.1mi, 16 mi, 18 mi, 20 mi
Didn't check all distances, but most of my common distances and a few longer ones.
Did not PR 5 mi, 6 mi, 12 mi, 14 mi.
Non running related, although I did run there. Visited three new states. Vt, Tn, Nc. Total States Visited: 28. Hiking, tourism, and a few runs mixed in.
Race Schedule:
04.25.2021 Gettysburg North-South Marathon
Be sure to check out my Race and Gear discount pages from my blog site. #BibRavePro ;)
Good luck to everyone with training! Kick some butt!
Good luck to everyone with training! Kick some butt!
If you do any races(virtual or IRL), please remember to review them on BibRave.com!
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